Tuesday 1 July 2014


What an amzing presentation the kids made at assembly on Friday.  We had spent the two weeks before making costumes and props, practising every day and working with our buddies so it would be alright on the day. 
The hosts (Rebecca and Elliot) spoke clearly and attended to their audience. I was also very proud that they moved into position for their class performances without any fuss.
The whole class looked amazing in their costumes and moved around the stage perfectly as they acted out the big book. Thanks to Abby from room 6 for reading for us.
Aaliah spoke beautifully and explained rhe science concepts so well. The rest of the class performed their demonstrations perfectly.  Steven was very impressed.
Juliette, Chloe, Joe and Rona worked very hard to be able to show everyone how to say what day of the week it is and what the weather is like in maori.
Daniela shared her writing  and showed that if the ideas are clearly expressed the piece of writing doesn't have to be pages long.
Well done everyone. Can't wait till next term.

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