Thursday 11 September 2014

The last presentations

We have completed seeing the last children's presentations over the last two afternoons. Everyone has done a fantastic job collecting artefacts and stories, and then practising so they can speak with confidence. Many thanks to the team at home who helped the children get prepared. Extra thanks to those who were able to attend and share the experience.

He brought his tiger tooth in which he got in Vietnam. He likes it best because his name means tiger. He had very cute photo of himself as a baby wearing his dad's hat. The photo makes him feel happy. He enjoyed telling us about having bike races with his mum and dad. His mum and dad and big sister came to support him.
He told us how the McNuer family came from Scotland. Riley had brought his father's kilt. It is a special kind of skirt made of checked material called tartan.
He told us about the family bible which is 149 years old. It was too precious to bring. 
His favourite memory is of a holiday at Lake Waikaremoana when he went fishing and swimming with his brothers and sisters.
His family story is about his great great grandfather George who went to WW1 with only one lung! He cared for the horses as well as fighting. He got a medal for bravery.
Chris's mum brought some photos on her ipad for Chris to show. They were of him and his brother at the zoo in China. They got to feed the giraffes. They had a wonderful time as a family going to Hong Kong Disneyland. He wanted to show us him in China because he is proud that he comes from China.  He also enjoys spending time with his brother. It was interesting to see them at a restaurant having yum cha - real chinese food. They had found a park with big statues of the 12 animals of the chinese zodiac. 
Her parents came to NZ a few years ago. The family has some precious gold jewellery even Riya has a gold necklace.
Many years ago Her great great grandparents were taken to Fiji as children against their will and didn't  know where they were going. It was a long time ago but the family remembers how frightened they were. 
She loves diwali - the celebration of light because of the food and the fireworks. She loved going to Fiji to celebrate it there. 

His special artifact is his greenstone necklace that he has never taken off since his mum gave it to him when he turned five. His uncle carved it for him. It is a guardian to protect and guide him which makes it extra special.
He had a photos of his pets. They live with his grandparents to keep them company. He loves them and has the photos by his bed.
He is proud of the memory of beating Angus in the cross country when he was four and Angus was already five.
He was born in PN and his dad is a NZer. His mum is from the Philippines and he has distant relations in Scotland. His display showed all the flags from the countries his family comes from. His special memory makes him happy when he remembers his trip to Rainbow's end in Auckland . It was his first trip on a plane as well. He was five so he was old enough to go on the rides. 
His family artefact is their love of trains. His dad got given a model train when he was little and Gg has some too. He showed us some beautiful models of train engines. He explained that one was a diesel engine from the v 200 german class. That one could go very fast. The other model was a model his dad had as a child which still works. It was a model of a steam train. They use them on the tracks they have at hime. He had a newspaper cutting of him controlling a big train set.
She bought a scan photo of herself still in her mother's tummy.. She was yellow when she was born and had to lie under special blue lamps to turn pink. The family story she has been told was that her brother didn't want her to come home with them. It made him cry! Her next photo was of her and the family on the gondola in Rotorua. She said being in the gondola was very high and you went both ways Daniela had also brought her favourite book. It is a Disney Cinderella book. She showed us her favourite picture of the prince and Cinderella in the coach is at the end of the book.
He was pleased his grandma had come to help him share the photos and medals of her father's from WW 2. They are very important to his family. Grandad worked on the destroyers in the. British Navy. He trained in San Francisco. He had to send messages using flashes of light or flags and morse code to other ships and planes. He remembered being given ice cream to eat on board and as they hadn't had any for years they ate and ate and ate!! Nelson showed us his own medals from soccer. His team is the Red Sox and they had won all of their games. He also had some trophies from touch and tball for MVP.
He began by talking about his grandad and his love of tennis. He started playing tennis when he was ten. Joshua had brought a wooden racket to show us. He and his mum found it in a secondhand shop. Joshua also had some photos from the newspaper of his grandfather playing when he was younger. There were also newspaper articles about grandad as well and his tennis career. When he was at high school he was the top in the tennis team. Joshua thinks this is very good. Grandad played tennis for thirty years and still plays these days. Joshua is looking forward to showing him the tricks Big John taught us and have a game with him. 
Her first photo was of her mum in the family christening gown. You wear a christening gown when you get welcomed into the family of god. Their gown is fifty years old. She also had a photo of herself getting christened in the same gown. Maia's great nana had made it for her children. It is getting passed down through the family. 

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